The Buzz from Clients

Our clients write with much passion about the life-changing results they achieve after working with Pam Castillo and Clarity Institute.

In fact, they often invite us to share their letters and posts to let others know the excitement and happiness that’s possible. They want everyone to have lives they love, too.

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In LA, we have a one-of-a-kind NLP™ instructor.

“Pam Castillo is unique in her field. She is a great NLP™ teacher who knows how to imbue her prolific knowledge so students can master the material and rapidly practice a substantial array of valuable NLP™ techniques. Pam is effective and knows her credo.I am a practicing Marriage & Family Therapist and I’m very glad I took Pam’s NLP™ Practitioner course. The benefits are enormous both in my personal life and as a professional businessman.  What I gained is incredible in its scope and power, much more than I originally thought possible. Moreover, under her attentive guidance, learning these techniques and skills was fun & easy.

From being stuck to actively moving forward in every area of my life has brought me closer to fulfilling my dreams with the confidence that this process will continue exponentially into the future.  I am a better, more joyful practitioner today because of her and more open to the many possibilities of freedom and joy this wonderful universe has in store for me.

I highly recommend her courses. Through NLP™ change occurs rapidly & effectively. Thank you Pam! I highly recommend all your courses to everyone!”

— Moshe Gutnick M.A., L.M.F.T.

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You are invited to click each category below to to go to any section and read what clients and student are saying:


You’ll find many more client letters excerpted on other pages in this website.

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NLP™ Training Helps a Business Owner

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NLP™ Changeworks


I was overweight as a child, teenager, young adult, and into adulthood.

“Change is hard. That’s what we’ve been conditioned to believe. And that’s what I’ve believed for most of my life. How could I possibly overcome an issue I’ve had my entire life in just a short time? Like many, I was overweight as a child, teenager, young adult, and into adulthood. Celebration? Gotta eat. Depressed? Gotta feed the feelings. Bored? Must be time for a snack. Food took up too much space in my mind and in my life. After months of reading about Pam’s success after success with her clients, I thought, “No way will she be able to help ME. But, let’s see if she can prove me wrong.”

Imagine my shock and amazement when after only a few sessions, I realized that I no longer obsess about food! In her unique, Pam-tastic!TM Way, Pam was able to easily get me to change the way I viewed food. She is unassuming, brilliant, kind, and determined to help every client she takes on. I highly recommend anyone seek out Pam’s help who is looking to make a life change or get over something that is holding them back.

TL;DR Pam can help you get over the thing that’s been holding you back! I know this because that’s what she did for me.”

Thanks a Million!

I wanted to give an AMAZING shout-out and a HUGE thank you to a person who had MADE MY 2013 dreams come true. SHe is the amazing and one and only Pam Castillo. My daughter was suffering for YEARS from a phobia that no therapist, doctor, hypnotherapist, or anyone before was able to cure her. Pam was able to do so. The changes we are seeing are simply ASTOUNDING. Thank you Pam for not giving up, and for your dedication and believing, you have DONE it! If anyone suffers from any kind of phobia, fear, or is having any difficulty in life, Pam Castillo is the person to go to, thanks again a MILLION for everything!” ~Galeet Lee Levy

From Fear of Flying to Flying Elated!

“Hi Pam,

I have been busy, but meaning to sit down and thank you. Without your help I wouldn’t of made it through that portal of fear to board those planes.

Ron and I flew on the same plane with 5 members of my family. They watched in total amazement how I handled the 5 hour flight going, and 6 hour flight coming home!! Of course ALL my cousins knew the seriousness of my fear. They were extremely impressed!

It’s difficult to explain how I felt departing in Boston. Elated!! Fulfilled!! Pretty proud of myself, and I owe it to meeting you. Thank you again. I never want to lose this feeling of freedom.”

Julie Ann Izuno

Miracle Worker

Pam Castillo, Clarity Institute, is a true miracle worker and a true Master NLP™ Practitioner. Due to Pam’s NLP™ mastery, my brother no longer has claustrophobia and can now swallow a pill! He is 57 years old and has never in his life swallowed a pill until yesterday after Pam worked her NLP™ miracle. He was prohibited from doing many things in his life due to severe claustrophobia and now, he can do whatever he wants! Both of these wonderful changes, were truly LIFE CHANGING for him! Besides being a fantastic teacher, mentor, and giving person, Pam has mastered NLP™ techniques to help anyone with problems that are causing road blocks in their life and so much more. — Linda Tannenbaum, Agoura Hills, CA

An Honor

Hi Pam, Thank you so much for the opportunity to meet with you for an NLP™ Session. It was an honor to be in your presence and have you guide me with tools that I am applying towards a better life. — Sincerely, Cookie

More in Control

Before working with NLP™, food was my life. I thought about food all the time, I planned my day around food, and eating and thinking about food were my greatest sources of pleasure. I binge- ate almost every day, sometimes all week end long. Overeating sapped my energy and drive, made me hate myself, and made everything harder. With food as my central focus, I didn’t know what else I wanted from life. I felt undeserving and completely entrenched. Now, in my present time, my greatest sources of pleasure are planning and executing my real life. I seldom think about food. My entire focus has shifted away from food and towards fulfilling my dreams. I feel less compulsion to eat. I feel more in control of what I eat. Healthy eating magnifies my well-being and accelerates my successful progress in everything. I know what I want. I feel much happier and excited about my future. I am moving forward at what feels like rapid pace. I came to you to change my eating habits so I could get a life. Interestingly, getting a life is changing my eating habits. Who’da thunk? (besides you, silly!) Having a ball. — Big hugs, Force of Nature

Joyous Results

After being treated Unsuccessfully for depression for more than 8 years Bonnie came to Clarity Institute. She writes this to Pam: I wanted to tell you, earlier today a situation occurred where something not very cool happened and I was treated pretty poorly. Previously, something like that would have really put me in a funk. It was the kind of thing I know would have really put me into a state of sadness and negativity. The good news is, I responded in a whole new way! I did NOT go into a funk or get into a bad mood. I felt the emotions and reacted in the opposite way I used to. I saw the POSITIVE in the situation and I ended up in a BETTER mood than I was in before. Only moments later I was walking through the store whistling! It feels amazing and this has proven to be a huge & awesome result of working with you. I have felt so joyous about the whole thing I wanted to tell you so you would know. The best part about it, it all came naturally to me- it required no conscious effort at all, it just happened. It’s the new me and I’m so excited about it. I am ever so grateful for this change and I want to say thank you. — Bonnie

NLP Works

The NLP™ way that you teach is how our mind initially and naturally works. Over time, we forget that, disrupt it and s**t happens. The balances get out of whack. You work towards restoring those skills and balances and more importantly, stimulate and gain growth in these ways. Things are going great! — Mac

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Doubts Dispelled

Dear Pam, Initially, I was very skeptical about NLP™. Pam agreed to set up a free consultation with me to dispel my doubts. I was very intrigued, but still had reservations about the expense. Eventually, I gave myself permission to spend the money, and made an appointment. My session with Pam was illuminating. I learned new skills to improve my productivity and to overcome hesitation and fear. At one point, I had questions about some of the techniques, and to her credit she did not duck the issue or obfuscate it in psychobabble, but engaged me in head-on in a frank discussion. I greatly appreciated her honesty, and this made me feel even more confident that coming to her was the right decision. Like many people, I carry tension and emotional stress in a knot in my chest. I’ve had this knot for so long that I barely even felt it anymore – it seemed normal. During one of Pam’s exercises, I felt this spot begin to tense, and gradually it caused my entire upper body to tense up with extraordinary pressure. Just when I thought I would not be able to take it anymore, the tension and stress shot out of my, and my body relaxed more than it had in years. The knot in my chest was gone. It hasn’t come back. During our initial conversations, Pam said many times that her goal was that after seeing her, the changes would be so profound that I would feel that it was worth it at twice the price. Much to my surprise, she turned out to be right. Are all of my problems gone? Of course not. But Pam has given me a different way of looking at my life and my world. She has pointed me towards a path that has and will continue to provide enormous benefits to me. I am grateful. — J.B., Writer, Los Angeles

Panic is gone.

Dear Pamela,
This is a quick update after  the  NLP™ sessions with you. As you know I struggled with a learned behavioral pattern making me edgy and nervous around persons of authority. I recognized this had to stop but I didn’t want to do months of therapy only to have this pattern continue. That is when I was introduced to your work at Clarity Institute, Pamela. To quote the adage, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This is how it happened for me. What I’ve found most refreshing is there is no more of that edgy panicky feeling. It’s like a ball and chain I’ve been dragging around for years is gone.

Thanks. —
Jon H. Arcadia

It feels good.



Dear Pam,
I just want you to know that the session we had months ago keeps on giving…I find myself being very aware of my deepest thoughts, fears, and self defeating inner dialogue…and the best part is…I am now able to ask the questions of myself that help me get beyond my old stumbling blocks…Our session was amazing, enlightening and something I can say has truly changed the way I exist in the world…I would recommend NLP™ to anyone….especially people like me who sabotage themselves and don’t even know why…

Thank you. — Renee Felix

Who I am now.

People are strange an unusual in many ways, they spend their time worrying and wondering what other people think of them. They try to fit in and belong to a specific group or clic. In essence there is no such thing as an individual or single person just for that reason. For many years I have tried this same approach to life in all aspects. No matter what I have done I have always been on the outside looking through the window and wishing. Never once did I look around me and see that there were other people around, moving about their lives not caring what was in the window and being themselves. That is until someone touched my shoulder and ever so calmly asked “who are you”. That question has sent me spiraling into a world of indifference, trying to figure out where I belonged, outside the window or inside with the rest. I never realized what it was like to be outside, I spent my whole time trying to figure a way to get inside. I used to be one of those people that when a meal came in a restaurant and was unsatisfactory I would be quiet and eat my meal, and when a waiter came by and asked if everything was ok I would say yes. To avoid confrontation and inconvenience I would accept a substandard meal. I have never been taught who I am, and I didn’t think that that was something that could be taught. It was something that I took for granted. My parents never explained what the world would mean to my life or my life to the world. Until the last two years I would accept things as they were not as they should be. I thank you Pam, first for asking that question. Second, for not accepting the answer that I gave and thirdly for the advice and guidance that you have given me. This is something that I wanted to tell you before but couldn’t quite find the words. The thoughts and skills that I have slowly acquired will remain for me always. — Paul Deveau

A teen’s success.

You may think NLP™ is just “mumbo jumbo” when you first learn about it, but when you first start to see results in the applications of NLP™ in your everyday life, you start to wonder why everybody doesn’t know about it. What’s amazing is that there are very few practitioners in the world. The only one I’ve been to is Pamela Castillo, and if all the practitioners are like her, than there may as well be an entirely new, smarter species of humans among us. My experience with her treatment has proven to be phenomenal. I am currently a student and Pamela has helped me with school final exams, presentations, and everyday discussions with the teachers. All my teachers are “on my side” now because of embedded commands, anchors, and more NLP™ “teachings”. A certain NLP™ teaching uses the subconscious mind. Pam has shown me that the subconscious has a better capacity for using and storing certain types of information that the conscious mind simply cannot handle as effectively. In conclusion, NLP™ may very well be the “weapon” of the future. — Ashley S. Feder
Age 15

NLP™ and Drugs

I tried almost everything when I finally visited Pam in 2012. My addiction was to a point of unmanageability and recklessness. Young, 27, entertainment hot shot. Of course drugs entered my life.

You need to want to get sober first. But once I decided that that’s what I really wanted and surrendered myself to honest – Pam really helped me with my control for cravings and destructive thinking. She was able to re-wire or re-set whatever it was inside my head that made narcotics my number one focus.

I found the sessions comfortable, safe and informative. I learnt about my behavioral patterns and how to tweak my thinking into a way of manageability.

This worked for me.

If you’d like to ask me more, feel free to reach out by contacting Pam,
she has my permission to give you my email address to connect
with me about this more.


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” Just what I wanted, now! This was the most wonderful, life changing experience I have ever had, it is so wonderful knowing my life can be different, it is already different and connected forever. — Antoinette F.

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NLP™ Practitioner Training



“I found the techniques of NLP and hypnosis highly useful in overcoming procrastination in order to write my dissertation.

Since an NLP Practitioner course at Clarity Institute, I have noted that some of the best opportunities to hone my own knowledge have come from application. Within retreats geared towards entrepreneurs I have had the opportunity to teach workshops using principles from NLP and hypnosis. In prepping for a workshop on productivity and motivation I decided to “go first.” I decided then and there that I would write the bulk of my dissertation over the period of a single month. It was as if a light switch had flipped. Before that moment I had been staring at a looming empty page for countless months with a heaviness in my body. Now, I simply knew something was fundamentally different. Sure enough, within a month I had written 127 dense pages. This reminded me how potent these applications can be, and how sometimes the best rewards can come from teaching.

Experiences like this also remind me of the many benefits of hypnosis and NLP, and an opportunity for sitting down with Pam is a highly-recommended, vast reminder of this potential. When catching up and sharing presence with Pam I began to find myself in a state of relaxation and clarity, arriving upon the answers to important decisions about how to bring my practice to higher levels.”
– Scott Roberts Ph.D. Candidate in Psychology, Claremont College


“Pam Castillo is one of the most inspiring, powerful, uniquely insightful women I have ever had the pleasure to call one of my greatest teachers. In a few minutes of communicating with her I have shifted perspectives in aspects of my thinking that changed my behavior and in turn my life. My world has opened in a way I hadn’t seen possible. Pam has a contagious belief in possibilities that I can only hope will infect the world. At first the intensity of her perspective may feel a little foreign. She cares about the future of humanity with a stubborn depth and commitment to educate clients and students about how they can operate their own neurology. I compare learning NLP™ to discovering that I am flying an airplane…and it came with default settings. I only had a faint understanding of how much power each person has to go into their own cockpit and say, “I’ve got this!” After taking NLP™ training, I saw that life is navigation through a sky of people with varying degrees of control of their planes. Some are crashing into each other, some are holding up their planes from the outside, some are stalled, and some are flying side by side, effortlessly gliding through the clouds. NLP™ asks people that are dangling from the propellers of their planes to stop asking “why?” and get in the cockpit, learn what the buttons do and fly the plane. Anybody can accept that their controls are on auto pilot and give up responsibility for the flight coarse, but wouldn’t it be easier to navigate through a storm from within the cockpit?””Wouldn’t it be fun to choose a destination, to be able to make loops in the sky or have the skills to fly farther and discover more than before or inspire other pilots? It sounds like something super heroes do…learning to operate neurology…Who has the skills and knowledge to teach such a power??? Yoda…the teachers at Hogwarts… Professor X from X-man….and Pam Castillo. I felt everyday going to Clarity Institute like I was on my way to Hogwarts to be like Harry Potter. I learned new ways to move past fears and challenges, and see and hear in a more refined way. The ease I feel about life has increased dramatically since NLP™. I got in the cockpit and instead of pushing the panic button at the thought of a storm..I now have skills to get curious about how I can maneuver through what comes my way. I feel like I am flying in my heart and I have two feet on the ground. What is a feeling like that worth?”~Brooke H., Artist Master NLP Practitioner


“Learning NLP at Clarity Institute was so wonderful for me personally as well as for my business. Being in sales, one really need so know how to communicate efficiently and effectively in order to get the desired result for both the seller and the buyer! Pam also helped me with my phobia of heights and some personal struggles, she is truly amazing and runs a wonderful program! Pam is amazing!” Antionette Altman Interior Designer


Everyone should understand NLP and the benefits of applying it in daily life. Pam is an excellent teacher, mentor and motivator with very advanced and experienced NLP skills. If you ar thinking of learning NLP, you need to learn from someone that takes pride in maintaining the integrity of the teachings of Richard Bandler and has been personally recommended by him and you get this with Pam. She is also very invested in the success of each of her students which only adds to the value she already provides. That value by the way, PRICELESS!!!!” Trudy Krupocki Maunaloa, Hawaii


“PAM…I found a mother amazing way to use NLP yesterday. I was getting ready for a dramatic audition where I had to come into the room and be sobbing and upset right aways and I d all my Stella Adler acting training and…… I used a different kind of [NP] language on myself. I used driven “towards” whereas before this I was using driven “away from” only I am not a driven away from motivated person! Suffice it say,it was, and I am NOT exaggerating, the best audition I have ever had in my life, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. It was for a co-star for a TV show. And I just felt really grateful [for NLP training] after I did [the audition]. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you Pam” Actress, Hollywood Name withheld for privacy

Hiring Genius

“I’ve been using NLP to hire people. My associates think I’m a hiring genius because I use NLP when writing the ads and in the interviews. Thank you, Pam for sharing your wisdom! The perfect people are responding! And I know exactly how to work with them because I recognize their own unique way of doing things and adjust my instructions accordingly for optimum results. That’s just the tip of how the course has benefited me.” ~Dani Estrada


Pam, Thank you for the training on metaprograms and questionnaire for employment you gave us during the Prac course. I just spend time interviewing for a new assistant, and not only did I have quick interviews, I hired a very qualified person who fits an supports my company communication model for success!!! YOU ROCK!!!!! — Albert Abad

Loving Care

I now go home with new life skills to help my life an all who come in contact with me. My life will improve in the way I communicate, observe and set and attain my goals. Thank you for the loving care you showed to all of us. — Lenora Lee, Child Care Provider and Birthing Coach


The areas of my life that will improve are: I will communicate with myself far more easily and effectively, I will be able to communicate with others and be able to affect changes in them far more easily and I will certainly become who I’ve wanted to be now. — Justin Roberson, Financial Advisor

Beyond Expectations

I’m going to use NLP™ now is in communicating and teaching my children, using my new skills in business and helping others. This course was beyond my expectations, Thank you. — Mary, Interior Designer


Before taking NLP™ with Pam at Clarity Institute I always thought I was destined to be one of those people who wasn’t meant to have a happy easy life. I thought I had no control over anything that was happening in my life. I wallowed in my past, was depressed and hopeless about my present life, and worried I wouldn’t have a future. I felt stuck and hopeless, and after reading what seemed like every self help book I was no closer to a solution or happiness. Now please don’t misunderstand, intellectually I was well aware of what my issues were and in fact my conscious mind reminded me of them over and over again. What NLP™ and Pam did for me is pull back the curtain to LIFE. Pam showed me in so many ways I didn’t have to be a victim of my life and that I didn’t have to let life happen to me. Using the NLP™ techniques I have been able to see everything with a new perspective and actually started making my life what I want it to be. How POWERFUL and LIBERATING is that? For me NLP™ is the foundation to life. I used to hear things like “words are powerful” “your thoughts are powerful” and yet no one told me how they are powerful and how to actually change the way I think. NLP™ and Pam have filled in all those holes and questions that I had about life and how to experience TRUE happiness. Life doesn’t have to be a struggle! If there is one thing that you do in this lifetime give yourself this gift. Take NLP™ with Pam, she will completely amaze you and your mind and life will never be the same, if you choose! Do this for yourself NOW! Forever GRATEFUL — Monica


The most useful aspect of the seminar was learning NLP™ by doing and experiencing it. I no long have a fear of heights, I am able to communicate exquisitely and I am able to make effective permanent changes within myself and others. This was the most wonderful, life changing experience I have ever had, it is so wonderful knowing my life can be different, it is already different and changed forever. — Antionette Fargo, Interior Designer

Our Laughter!

I want to thank you for playing such a critical role in my personal growth over the past 9 days. NLP™ and my self talk has really altered my outlook on life, my approach to projects, goals and tasks and its helped me put the fun back into things! I know that each of you gently cradled me while I did this and I deeply thank you for your contribution….it’s the laughter – our laughter together – I take with me every day! — Gail R. Motivational Speaker

One of a kind.

In L.A. we have a one-of-a-kind NLP™ instructor. Pam Castillo is unique in her field. She is a great NLP™ teacher who knows how to imbue her prolific knowledge so students can master the material and rapidly practice a substantial array of valuable NLP™ techniques. Pam is effective and knows her credo. I am a practicing Marriage & Family Therapist and I’m very glad I took Pam’s NLP™ Practitioner course. The benefits are enormous both in my personal life and as a professional businessman. What I gained is incredible in its scope and power, much more than I originally thought possible. Moreover, under her attentive guidance, learning these techniques and skills was fun & easy. From being stuck to actively moving forward in every area of my life has brought me closer to fulfilling my dreams with the confidence that this process will continue exponentially into the future. I am a better, more joyful practitioner today because of her and more open to the many possibilities of freedom and joy this wonderful universe has in store for me. I highly recommend her courses. Through NLP™ change occurs rapidly & effectively. Thank you Pam! I highly recommend all your courses to everyone! — Moshe Gutnick M.A., L.M.F.T.

Wonderful guide.

I just wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful teacher, mentor, friend and guide and human being. I have never felt as “together” and happy that I do now that I have found NLP™. And I am excited about what the future will bring because I can feel that it is something really wonderful. So I will continue to develop my NLP™ skills and continue to evolve into someone even better. — MS, Attorney


My name is Eyal Ben Moshe and I recently attended an NLP™ Practitioner’s Course given by Pam Castillo at Clarity Institute and I have to say it was AMAZING!!! I have studied in the past, several self improvement and psychological methods and found NLP™ to more useful and efficient than anything I have ever learned. Pam taught the class in a very thorough, meticulous, and passionate way, thus instilling the vast information in our brains and hearts. The knowledge this course has to offer is worth more than TEN TIMES its cost!! Imagine if you could manage your state of feeling as you wish when you wish?? How much would that be worth? Politicians, athletes, and actors would pay tens of thousands for that ability and it can be yours for a ridiculously low amount. I Highly recommended this my friends! — Eyal Ben Moshe, Businessman


Just want to say that Pam Castillo is THE only teacher & mentor I kow who is authentically living what she teaches. It’s a rarity, you are a GEM. Love you Pam!! — Trista Thompson, Photographer


Pam, as you know, I have been reading and studying NLP™ for at least 20 years, but you were the one who brought it to life for me. With the knowledge I now have, my life will never be the same. Thank you for your willingness to share and help me reach one of my lifetime goals, to learn NLP™. — Jack Sands, Painting Contractor

Clear Goals

The aspect of the course most useful to me immediately is the language we use and how to use strategies to accomplish the changes we or I desire to make in life. I am going to have better relationships as a result of having better communication skills, I now have clear and well formed goals both in my business and personal life and I have improved business and financial life by having a different perspective about people and business opportunities. — Clifton Horton, Application Engineer/ Aerospace

A New Career

As a result of this course I have a plan for defining and finding a new career, I can help friends and family with changes and I will explore NLP™ as a vocation. — Gary Mitchell, Chemist, Michigan

Life Changing!

What’s most useful immediately are the calibration skills that I can use in my professional life with my clients, in home life and with friends. I expect more business income and the quality of service I provide to improve and an overall well being for myself. NLP™ is a life changing experience. Let’s change the world! — Tim Sands, Fitness Trainer

Superior Health

As a result of this course, I expect my health to vastly improve, my ability to communicate to my family and develop deep loving friendships. I specifically found useful learning the use of anchors, imagining the future, future pacing and using language to to further my quest for superior health. — Cidney Hochman, Artist


I have more clarity of my path forward, I feel empowered to change any future perceived limitations and I have true, more powerful outcomes as a result of proper language patterns. — Teresa Ford, Idaho


I am happier, more confident and charismatic and am able to really listen and relate with people and have rapport. I view myself completely differently, I have more positive manner and in this state of mind, I will affect others in more positive ways. Rod Betancourt, Management Assistant LAPD

It’s Changed Me

I want to thank, most sincerely for what you have taught me these past nine days. Not just what – but how you taught me. That you for your wisdom, your love, your humor and compassion. I had a very little contact with NLP™ before I came to visit with you, but something inside me resonated with it, and I took my “leap of faith”. I’m so excited to put into practice what I have learned and I already see how it has begun to change me. I now count you as one of life’s most important mentors. I really feel that this is the experience and information that will take me the next stage of my personal development. I will absolutely take the master practitioner course in the future. With much love and gratitude. — Katherine Giaquinto, Opera Singer, Voice Teacher


What’s most useful immediately are the calibration skills that I can use in my professional life with my clients, in home life and with friends. I expect more business income and the quality of service I provide to improve and an overall well being for myself. NLP™ is a life changing experience. Let’s change the world! — Tim Sands, Fitness Trainer

A Better Lawyer

Dear Pam, As a trial attorney, my success in the courtroom depends not only on my grasp of the facts and the law, it also depends on my ability to connect with and establish rapport with each and every one of my jurors. It is crucial that the jury not only like me, they must also see the world how I see the world, and feel a connectedness to both me and my cause. By utilizing powerful NLP™ techniques, I am more persuasive, more convincing, and more aware, both in and out of the courthouse. NLP™ techniques have helped me tremendously during the jury selection portion of a trial. Now, when I am picking a jury, I not only listen to the juror’s verbal response, I pay attention to their non-verbal response and body posture. I ask myself: “Is this person’s verbal language congruous with their non-verbal response?” I listen to the words the juror uses. I then ask questions using the same dominant representational system that juror utilizes. I pay attention to eye-accessing cues for further verification. I pace and lead, and mirror body posture, I speak from my diaphragm and use deep, rich, tonality. I change the rate of my speech and speak between beats, I use repetition, I could go on and on…. Pam, you have helped me to become an even better lawyer, and in the process, you have taught me to “open my eyes” so I can fully appreciate everything our world has to offer. Thank you — M.A.S., Los Angeles

Growing and Moving in this Journey

Hi Pam,

I was in fear for 15 years of my life of being closed in. Elevators was the big thng for me. I am so glad that God gives everyone a gift. Brooke (Brooke Harker – Clarity Institute NLP™ Practitioner graduate and Artist*) helped me overcome my fear. I really do not know how to explain my true experience, but it was beyond amazing. She was an angel sent to me. I really do not have the words to truly describe what I felt in that process. She was awesome beyond words. I felt so blessed and connected to her. My life has changed a lot since then. I am ready to fly in an airplane now and keep growing and moving in this journey God have me on.

Thank you so much Pam for helping Brooke find her gift. She has a lot of talents I know, but you seen something special in her. She seen it in me! Thanks again from lady who was full of fear! God Bless You.

Nechiglen Lapena
March 4, 2013
*Brooke was able to help her co-worker, Nechiglen with 1 session of NLP™ just weeks after Brooke’s NLP Practitioner Training.

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” I am currently a student and Pam has helped me with final exams, presentations, and everyday discussions with the teachers. All my teachers are “on my side” now because of embedded commands, anchors, and more NLP™ “teachings.” —A.F., age 15

NLP™ Master Practitioner Training


Dramatic Change

This past 6 months from my NLP™ Practitioner Training to today, graduating from NLP™ Master Practitioner Training has changed my life dramatically, giving me happiness within, and purpose in life as well as tools for a new life path and way to help others in a bigger way than I ever thought possible. I am grateful, appreciative and will be forever in awe of Pam and her ability to convey meaning to life, to learning and to what is important in life. May Pam continue on her path to help others as she has helped me, changing lives, one word at a time. Thank you. — Linda Tannenbaum, Non-Profit Work

One-on-One & Amazing

What I really liked is the smaller class size giving me the opportunity to experience NLP™ and have more one-on-one time with the trainer. I’ve improved my listening skills, my communication with others and have been able to remove blocks from my past. Thank you so much Pam, for being who you are in this world, not only for myself, but for everyone in my life as I continue to take this amazing experience with me. — Albert Abad, Painting Contractor


I highly recommend the Master Practitioner class at Clarity Institute with Pam Castillo. Taking my Practitioner level training opened my eyes to possibilities and I took baby steps. The Master Practitioner course gave me the courage, the tenacity, and the perspective to be more effective with NLP™ than I had ever thought possible in a short period of time, both with myself and others. I have been using NLP™ everyday in every way since my Master Practitioner course, and by now I can honestly say that my life has moved up to an entirely new level, personally, professionally and spiritually. I’m now breaking through even more old patterns, uncovering and removing even more barriers and obstacles, and genuinely releasing my gentle persona – all with loving, caring, kindness and fun! Make time in your life for this – sign up and DO IT NOW. Pam, NLP™ has completely changed the way I look at the world and the way the wold looks a t me! — Gail Rosenthal, Speaker, Author

The Ultimate NLP Experience

Have you ever watched an absolutely amazing movie once and found yourself in bigger and better awe the second time you sat down and enjoyed it? You noticed more details, grabbed more information and maybe even applied lessons learned to your own life and changed it that way. This the exact sensational feeling I got each and every day walking into Master Practitioner class. The experience is richer and more powerful; absorbing the same information without emotion, just pure knowledge. The first time around as practitioners, we learned how to grab control of our neurology, because we can, and improve our own lives with NLP™ tools and skills- Once we transitioned into Master Practitioners, we got to absorb this knowledge with our brains rather than hearts, because we had experienced it that way already. Master Practitioner is the ultimate and COMPLETE NLP™ experience. You could very well say that becoming a Master Practitioner was the the cherry on top of the gift of discovering NLP™ and Pam Castillo’s class. — Justine Drake, Music Promoter

Amazing Depth

I highly recommended experiencing and attending Clarity Institute’s Master Practitioner Course with Pam. It was an amazing experience as I was able to realize the depth of information that I was missing before. Although I had recently taken the Practitioner course a few months before it was as another level had been revealed and I realized how easy it was to implement all my NLP™ skills not only to help others but to help myself as well. Master class for me was all about how going deeper and accessing my skills on another level. For me life just continued to get easier and the quality of my relationships also improved. — Monica Danlelle

A Personal Transformation

Today was the most exhausting for me. I’m finding that confrontation fires off some serious negative anchors in me and I intend to change that right away. I appreciate how the intensity of the class uncovered those opportunities. You are very correct about the course becoming a personal transformation for me. That discovery about my faith the other day really opened up understanding for me. I had come as far as I could go without reconciling my faith to our work, and I hit a wall of sorts. I can see now that God gave us these gifts and it is our responsibility to use them to the best of our ever-increasing capabilities. I need you to know that out all of the teachers I ever had, you give the most of yourself. For that, I am blessed. You definitely push us past threshold (sometimes we camp out there for awhile), and I know that you are pushing yourself just as much. You are a profound inspiration for me. And I am happy to call you friend. My wish is that you get everything you want out of your work. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. I will never forget you. A man never steps into the same river twice. — Don Martin, Financial Advisor

You changed my life.

Dear Pam, First and foremost, I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year with Optimal Health, Good feelings, and lots of Smiles and Laughter! Second and very important is that you have personally changed my life at a time when it needed changing! You came into my life as fate may have it, in a most unusual way at the most opportune time! Serendipity for sure! You are wonderful in all that you do and I am so blessed to have met you! You have introduced me to the NLP™ world of opportunities. From your master teaching, enthusiasm and support, NLP™ has changed my direction, my outlook, my language and the way that I communicate with people. I feel that I have now a tool that I can use to help people in many ways that I had no idea were possible. I am aware of life and all that is good and I want to share it! I correct those that speak in negatives in hope to change their world one word at a time. I feel empowered to help others and improve their lives. I can’t wait to help people who are sick and will take this as far as I can and reach as many as I can! I can not thank you enough for giving of yourself, your precious time and expertise to help me with my quest to help those with CFS as well! You are truly magnanimous! In addition to the NLP™ world, you are a special new friend. You are kind, honest and I am grateful to have met you! I look forward to our new friendship and to getting to know you and your lovely family better! I am blessed to have met you all! Pam, thank you deeply and sincerely for coming into my life! All the best wishes for a Fantastic Year ahead! — Love, Linda

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” Beyond my expectations! What are the most useful aspect of the seminar? The tools & skills to better communicate and open me up. Thank you.” — Mary.

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Bashert Classes


Revolutionized Dating

“This testimonial is about how Pam’s NLP-based Bashert coaching revolutionized the way I date. In a nutshell: it maximizes efficiency in learning about a potential match and minimizes heartbreak and wasted time.

I’ve dated the conventional way since I was 15. A guy liked me, he was nice, we got along, he made me feel good, BOOM! RELATIONSHIP! In each case, after months (or in one case, 4 years) of relationship-ing, I found myself…not myself. Without even realizing it, I was “stuck” in a relationship that was not ideal for me. Most of my relationships were not horrible nor were they even bad. But they were not ideal.

Our society teaches us that relationships are about compromise, nobody’s perfect, and at the end of the day, love is all that matters. THAT IS THE BIGGEST AND MOST DANGEROUS LIE THAT WE ARE TOLD! Society also tells us that we have to date for a long long long long time and go through heartbreaks and struggles to learn what we want and what we don’t want. That too is a big and dangerous lie. Society also tells us that while dating, we can “see where this goes” and “go with the flow.” Again, a big and dangerous lie.

These lies have led our society to more than half of its marriages ending up in divorce. And the things that an even greater percentage of people end up with are issues and baggage that take years, or even lifetimes, to overcome.



That is where Pam’s NLP Bashert coaching program comes in.

First, Pam determines whether you are ready to date. There might be emotional issues that would sabotage any chance of an ideal relationship or marriage. Pam can easily spot these issues and get rid of them quickly and permanently. It also might not be a good time in a person’s life for that person to start dating. Pam would point this out if this were the case and say something like, “come back to me once x, y, and z.”

Second, Pam uses a systematic NLP approach to determine who you are at your core, how you will behave, and what type of person you NEED to compliment you. People are not held together because they both have an interest in tennis. People are not held together because they are physically attracted to each other. People are held together because their cores and their behaviors fit together effortlessly and harmoniously. Pam’s job is to make matches where the people are NATURALLY COMPATIBLE without the people having to work so hard at the relationship or marriage.

Third, Pam teaches you where to find your match. Where would a guy who is x, y, and z and has traits q, r, and s most likely be?

Fourth, Pam teaches you how to REALLY get to know your date quickly, efficiently, and objectively using NLP calibration techniques. People tell you what you need to know. I read somewhere that the #1 reason why marriages fail is that people did not hear or take seriously something that the person told them early on in the dating process. Pam’s NLP Bashert daters are able to quickly and systematically spot red flags, inconsistencies, values, behaviors, and even the most subtle personality traits that would render any future relationship less than ideal.

I now date the NLP Bashert way where I am able to avoid “falling” into a less-than-ideal relationship, I am able to avoid heartbreak and wasted time, and I am able to recognize my ideal match. In a few short months, I was able to dodge a few bullets where I certainly would not have been able to before encountering NLP Bashert coaching. For example, I spotted that one of my dates who was light-hearted and bubbly on the surface was actually very subtly passive-aggressive and bitter. I spotted that another one of my dates did not naturally have 2 personality traits that Pam helped me discover that I absolutely needed to sustain a long-term harmonious marriage.

I am ready to get married and I am excited to sift through the absolutely nots, the nos, and most importantly, the almosts. Pam gave me the confidence, the courage, and the conviction to realize that almost is not enough, that there are multiple men out there who have absolutely everything that I need, that no one needs to “settle,” and that it is EASY to recognize your ideal match one you’re equipped with the right tools: Pam’s NLP Bashert coaching.” – Confident & Ready – Age 30

More Deeply in Love

I so appreciate the work that we did together. The process of inquiry and discovery was very revealing. IT helped me better understand myself and how I relate tot he rest of the world. It has helped improve my relationships with my children, my employees and my partner. My relationship is going very well. We continue to grow closer and more deeply in love. It is very satisfying and reassuring that we have been so adept at working through the issues that have come up. We are both completely committed to each other and making the relationship thrive and we will begin to make our wedding plans. I will keep you posted. — Best, Kathy

Opened My Eyes

Let me start off by saying, i never write testimonials even when asked to. i was so fascinated by Pam’s work that i felt compelled to inquire with her on how i could write a testimonial about her work. She opened my eyes to an entire different way of looking at myself and potential life partners. I feel that i now have the tools to recognize the right person for me, and the skills to maintain an everlasting and loving relationship with him. — Debra Amona

Shining in a Clouded World

Pam, It has been my distinct honor an pleasure to work with you and discover the miracle worker you really are. Would that I discovered you and your remarkable talents and instincts before I struggled so long! Then again, I would not have been able to bring nearly as much to table as I do now. I am so impressed with your methods and techniques, insights an intuitive guidance. You are a true gift and I am grateful for having shared it with you! Thank you for joining with me – I’m pretty sure the world works much better in teams! Your beliefs and gentle steering has helped me get to a place where the universe is recognizing me *at Last*, I think this is a huge jumping off point for me, both personally and professionally! It’s very exciting and I have you to thank. You are living your words – a shining example in a very clouded world. — Gail

A Good Partner For Me


Meeting with Pam was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Although it gave me insight as to who would be a good partner for me, more importantly, it helped me discover more about who I am as a person and how to better position myself in different types of situations as well as how to communicate better with other people. Speaking and meeting with her was well worth the time and small cost associated with receiving her service. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to stop settling for allowing people into their lives who just aren’t worth the time, effort, and energy that they take to be a part of your life. I’d also recommend her to anyone who wants to find out who they are, what makes them tick, and what is truly important to them in order to be healthy and happy.

– Patrick Sharples

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NLP™ Business Consulting



“Pam Castillo has done an amazing job once again! If you are interested in creating a seminar, look no further. Pam is extremely generous with her years of experience and expertise in the field [of putting on seminars].  She will help with EVERY aspect of the seminar; organization, marketing, practice, extra cool tips on engaging the audience and much more. She has helped us deliver our message to our audience in a very sophisticated way and elegant way. My husband and I had never done a seminar before, we had no idea what were were in for, all we knew was we had a message to deliver. Pam held our hand through every step of the way. She taught us exactly what to do so that now we are able to duplicate the same successful way for our future seminars. Pam is spectacular, and my husbanding I are very happy that took the opportunity to conduct a seminar with her.”   Danny & Pedro De Leon, Jr. Renewal Fitness

Hiring Genius

“I’ve been using NLP to hire people. My associates think I’m a hiring genius because I use NLP when writing the ads and in the interviews. Thank you, Pam for sharing your wisdom! The perfect people are responding! And I know exactly how to work with them because I recognize their own unique way of doing things and adjust my instructions accordingly for optimum results. That’s just the tip of how the course has benefited me.” ~Dani Estrada

Employee Selection with Pam Castillo’s NLP™ Skills

This letter is in support of Pam Castillo and her skills with employee selection based on NLP™ technology. As a physician specializing in Integrative Medicine with a very busy private practice, I needed to find the ideal Administrative Assistant fast. I have had many Administrative Assistants in my 30+ year career. They were capable of doing the work and fine people in their own right, yet often not totally congruent with the overall goal of the office. I then sought help from Pam Castillo founder of Clarity Institute. Pam informed me she could find the perfect employee for my office using her skill in communications called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP™. I decided to employ her process and hired her. By assessing the style of communication I was most natural with, Pam wrote the advertisement to attract the type of candidate most suitable and congruent to the office, assessed the skills and tasks needed for the right person to optimally and happily do the job, designed a questionnaire to elicit the candidates’ “hardwiring” and style of communication most natural to them, reviewed resumes, interviewed top candidates, analyzed answers to the questionnaire given, and analyzed the results. She then gave me a report with her recommendation for me to interview the top candidate. Karen. Pam wrote why this particulate candidate was an excellent match for both the job and to work with me as her boss. Pam’s recommended candidate has been my Assistant for over two years now and we’re both working together happily, harmoniously, and productively. She is without a doubt the best Administrative Assistant I have ever had. Hiring Pam and Clarity Institute was well worth the money! It saved me time and other resources, of having to go through the tough hiring process once again. Since hiring my assistant, I have been able to concentrate on caring for my patients and growing my business. The NLP™ process is an amazing way to go. I am very happy with the results on multiple levels. Thank you, Pam, for finding my office’s “soul mate.” — Gayle Madeleine Randall, M.D., Integrative and Internal Medicine, Woodland Hills, CA

Sales Skyrocket

Dear Pam, Our company has increased it’s alarm sales from 65 per month to 122 in May and we are on track for 140 in June – a month notorious for lagging sales because of vacationing home owners. The increase in sales is an obvious result of the communications skills you have taught to our sales staff, which also has had a striking effect on their personal lives, they report. We talk on a different level now in our sales meetings, about the behavior of our customers and how to adjust to the customers “map” and direct the customer towards the results we want.

I have seen incredible results from all of our employees thanks to your NLP™ skills and everyone thanks you.

Personally, I have learned from you that there is a science to what I used to think was instinct. With the tools you provided for all of us, I now have control over the customer behaviors through embedded commands, matching posture and so many other “go first” tools. I considered myself a master manipulator and I really didn’t have a clear picture of how I did it. With NLP™, I know what I’m doing and can act to change the situation at hand. You have provided our staff with confidence in themselves as well as the ability to install confidence in our customers. Your training has doubled our referrals.

— Tom Irwin

Profoundly Life Changing

When I met Pam in the intro class I knew there was something special there and I needed to come back. Once I started the sessions, it was like peeling an onion, layer upon layer. She was the catalyst in bringing to my awareness my self-limitations and struggles I have had for the last seven years. I, for the first time, understood why I was stuck and unable to move forward with my career and how that also translated into my personal life.

I am a person who is always working on myself and making changes within but Pam took me to a new level of awareness with such CLARITY it was obvious to me where I needed to make the changes. When Pam, with her intuitiveness, suggested that I change the name of my business to reflect my new vision a light came on inside of me. It never occurred to me to change the name of my business that I’ve had for 23 years but I knew when Pam suggested it, it was the only way I could move forward and manifest my new life work.

Since I have changed the name of my business I have discovered a renewed energy and passion for my work. A passion that, unfortunately, had almost disappeared the last seven years. I now approach each day with zeal and enthusiasm and excited to see where this new venture will take me.

I am so grateful for Pam’s ability to intuitively tune-in to me and gently guide me with her wisdom in a way that was necessary, useful and most of all profoundly life changing.

Mattea Nicchitta, Healing Practitioner

Healing Light Center

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“The thing I learned which I can apply immediately is setting goals in a positive way.” — Shaunti N. Levick

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Doubts Dispelled

Dear Pam, Initially, I was very skeptical about NLP™. Pam agreed to set up a free consultation with me to dispel my doubts. I was very intrigued, but still had reservations about the expense. Eventually, I gave myself permission to spend the money, and made an appointment. My session with Pam was illuminating. I learned new skills to improve my productivity and to overcome hesitation and fear. At one point, I had questions about some of the techniques, and to her credit she did not duck the issue or obfuscate it in psychobabble, but engaged me in head-on in a frank discussion. I greatly appreciated her honesty, and this made me feel even more confident that coming to her was the right decision. Like many people, I carry tension and emotional stress in a knot in my chest. I’ve had this knot for so long that I barely even felt it anymore – it seemed normal. During one of Pam’s exercises, I felt this spot begin to tense, and gradually it caused my entire upper body to tense up with extraordinary pressure. Just when I thought I would not be able to take it anymore, the tension and stress shot out of my, and my body relaxed more than it had in years. The knot in my chest was gone. It hasn’t come back. During our initial conversations, Pam said many times that her goal was that after seeing her, the changes would be so profound that I would feel that it was worth it at twice the price. Much to my surprise, she turned out to be right. Are all of my problems gone? Of course not. But Pam has given me a different way of looking at my life and my world. She has pointed me towards a path that has and will continue to provide enormous benefits to me. I am grateful. — J.B., Writer, Los Angeles

Ease With Sales

Dear Pam, I’m writing to thank you for the help NLP™ has given me in talking to customers on the telephone. I earn my living in outdoor sales, so my production is significantly affected by my success in following up on and qualifying leads by telephone. Before working with you, I used to approach telephoning leads as a dreaded chore and find all kinds of excuses for postponing or interrupting it. Now, using the method you showed me, I’m able to instantly trigger positive associations that make me eager to dive into this task. Not only am I no longer daunted by the need to telephone potential customers, I actually enjoy doing it. Before learning about NLP™ from you, I never would have believed that something which seemed so deep-seated could be turned around in a single afternoon. Yet, experiencing is believing! Thank you so much! Sincerely, — Lee Smith,
Culver City, California

Go First Principle

Dear Pam,

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance of late. Your quick wit and conversation style have provided me with the inspiration to grow in so many areas of my life.

I must too thank you for introducing me to the “Go First” principle. I am discovering daily how deep this concept really can be. In addition to the applications of state management and rapport I truly believe that this one concept could become a lifelong study that will lead me to greater personal, professional, and social development.

Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement. —



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PlayDaze Reviews

1. In what ways do you feel the PlayDay advanced your NLP™ skills and communication to yourself and to others in the context of loving relationships?<br\>

  • It reminded me that NLP™ is involved in everything we do.
  • Clarified the commitment for loving relationships and identified the meta programs most critical in relationships in general.

2. In what ways did the PlayDay advance your NLP™ skills in general?<br\>

  • Practice getting someone into a state
  • Reminded me to use NLP™
  • I have heightened my perceptions regarding people and their interactions. The PlayDay was very specific, and Pam was so clear in her explanations and illustrations. I have taken that information generalized it to a better understanding of all relationships, including the one with myself.

3. Why do you recommend others to attend NLP™ PlayDaze Pamtastic? And what would you want others to know about these skill-builder days?<br\>

  • Covers [context specific] topics in a way that might not be in a 7-9 day training and [to] see what creative activities Pam has created.
  • It’s a way to keep NLP™ers in the NLP™ mentality. It made me use my Hypnosis skills.
  • With Pam’s individual PlayDaze, you have the chance to experience NLP™ in context, watch how NLP™ is applied and observe others experiencing the exercises, and the feedforward from the group is a valuable learning component of the day.
  • NLP™ers, these courses keep your NLP™ skills fresh and they bring your NLP™ skills to your conscious mind!
  • Pam is the quintessential trainer. She is clear, concise and keeps the atmosphere of these PlayDaze sessions light and fun – what learning should be! For practitioners, if you haven’t yet experienced Clarity Institute’s NLP™ learning, get here! You will grow, change and be a better practitioner for it.

Succeeding in Every Area of My Life

When someone tells me they attended an amazing personal development program and they recommend for me to go, I ask how it has changed them. How has their life improved? What are they doing differently? I don’t want to them on the spot; I just want to know how I can benefit from the program. What’s amazing to me is that most people can’t think of an answer. They can’t think of a single lasting effect. The opposite is true for Clarity Institute and NLP™. If I listed all the changes I’ve experienced since I began working with Pam, no one would believe me. I went to Pam to change one thing and, like dominoes, everything else got better too. Without going into details, I’m happier, richer, and succeeding in every area of my life. I am incredibly excited and grateful for al the blessings coming to me now. Thank you, Pam. — LA

Huge Milestones in my Life

I am writing to let you know of my progress since I attended your workshop. First, I would like to mention how knowledgeable and passionate you are about your work. Your devotion to helping people is truly refreshing and gives me how that there are people out there who sincerely want to help. I attended your workshop in hopes to get some insight on how to fetch a man. Little did I know that this workshop would help me in all phases of m life. I specifically remember something you taught that I now use when speaking to people. I speak the way they think. It really has helped me get my ideas across as well as getting my subject to understand me more. I have also been much more in tune with my senses. I listen, taste, feel, smell and see much more clearly. The most significant change I have made in myself is to be able to visualize my future. To be able to see my future the way I want it to happen is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Just to know that I am in complete control of my destiny brings me absolute ease. Your workshop has made huge milestones in my life. I have more confidence in achieving my goals and feel that I can take on the world. — Sincerely, Robin Feldman


The key things which I learned that I can apply immediately are how to motivate myself, and how to get people to do what I need. I liked learning how to get people into a frame of mind to get things done. — Sean Trujillo

Yes I Can.

Dear Pam, I am writing to thank you for the recent telephone techniques you taught me. I am a real estate broker and have been selling real estate since 1978. 1 have taken many motivational classes. and courses that dealt with telephone techniques, All the prior instructors stated that with the proper phone call to a property owner the odds are one phone call out of fifty, will result in a conversation with the property owner. And that is the standard that real estate brokers have been working with, After role playing with you the phone, and you showing me, and explaining to me, the reason why a property owner would not open up, and start talking to me on the phone. I was surprised. When I started using your phone techniques, I felt a little strange, until I started realizing that after one hour on the phone, I had only talked to four property owners. When I say talked, we had an open productive conversation, The reason why I only talked to four property owners is because with my initial phone call to them using your phone techniques, the owners were willing to open up to me, and talk to me for an extended period of time. And that is the hardest part of selling real estate, the first phone conversation with a complete stranger, and asking the right questions. I did not get the usual “no thank you” response. Prior to talking with you, in a one‑hour period, I would have made twenty to thirty non‑productive phone calls. Knowing that I had to make at least fifty calls to get to that one responsive property owner, with odds like that, it is hard to keep a positive attitude, and I am sure my phone conversation reflected my attitude. I have been using your phone techniques for about one month, and I am still surprised with the openness I receive with my first phone call to a property owner. I have included your course in my marketing and training program Thank you for the most productive course I have taken. My company is looking forward to an ongoing working relationship with you. I would like to close with the response I get from my first phone call to a property owner: “Yes, I can”. Sincerely, — Baron E. Castillo / Broker

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NLP™ Personal Mentoring Program



Dear Pam,
As far back as I can remember I have felt that I was capable, no destined, for great things in my life. It has made coping with life quite difficult at times, and your description of not having rapport with the planet was exactly the way I felt.
Over the past few months that we have been working together I have truly started to feel that some of that ‘brilliance’ is starting to reveal itself in ways that I can both comprehend and accept.
I am extremely grateful for all that you have done for me and I look forward to working with you long into the future. — Sincerely, DW Schneider

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NLP™ Associate Mentoring Program


You Changed My Life

Dear Pam, First and foremost, I wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year with Optimal Health, Good feelings, and lots of Smiles and Laughter! Second and very important is that you have personally changed my life at a time when it needed changing! You came into my life as fate may have it, in a most unusual way at the most opportune time! Serendipity for sure! You are wonderful in all that you do and I am so blessed to have met you! You have introduced me to the NLP™ world of opportunities. From your master teaching, enthusiasm and support, NLP™ has changed my direction, my outlook, my language and the way that I communicate with people. I feel that I have now a tool that I can use to help people in many ways that I had no idea were possible. I am aware of life and all that is good and I want to share it! I correct those that speak in negatives in hope to change their world one word at a time. I feel empowered to help others and improve their lives. I can’t wait to help people who are sick and will take this as far as I can and reach as many as I can! I can not thank you enough for giving of yourself, your precious time and expertise to help me with my quest to help those with CFS as well! You are truly magnanimous! In addition to the NLP™ world, you are a special new friend. You are kind, honest and I am grateful to have met you! I look forward to our new friendship and to getting to know you and your lovely family better! I am blessed to have met you all! Pam, thank you deeply and sincerely for coming into my life! All the best wishes for a Fantastic Year ahead! — Love, Linda

The Ultimate Mentor

The Clarity Institute Associate Program is a must for anyone who wants to bring their NLP™ skills beyond Master Practitioner level. Observing in class and behind the scenes, listening and unpacking from activities, and learning to sense the nuances of client interaction while actively working on myself through this program has taken my practitioner skills to a level I never imagined. Pam is the ultimate in a mentor: challenging, guiding and offering insights while encouraging, providing feedback and observations from yet another perspective. I highly recommend this opportunity! — Gail Rosenthal Speaker, Author

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The key things which I learned that I can apply immediately are how to motivate myself, and how to get people to do what I need. I liked learning how to get people into a frame of mind to get things done. — Sean Trujillo


As far back as I can remember I have felt that I was capable, no destined, for great things in my life. It has made coping with life quite difficult at times, and your description of not having rapport with the planet was exactly the way I felt.
Over the past few months that we have been working together I have truly started to feel that some of that ‘brilliance’ is starting to reveal itself in ways that I can both comprehend and accept.
I am extremely grateful for all that you have done for me and I look forward to working with you long into the future. — Sincerely, DW Schneider

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“Benevolent Baroness of Well Being, Pamtastic Ingenuity and Tranquil Deliverance of Auspicious Favorable Neuro Pathway Development. (BBWBPITDAFNPD) Please write this down to carry in your wallet! You should probably also sign any certificates with this…” — Brooke Harker

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We invite your comments and questions about how can have the power of NLP™ in your life now with support from Clarity Institute!