Your first impression when arriving at Clarity Institute is how warmly welcomed you feel.

The best of Southern California’s peaceful countryside roots have remained nourished and are palpable in the light-filled distinctive NLP™ center Pam Castillo has created.  She’s taken the same care she applies to her work with NLP™,  and offers you the best possible comfort to delight, enliven and balance every one of your senses during your NLP™ sessions here.  Experience Clarity Institute first hand and take a closer look what others are talking about.

What is at the heart of what you will encounter here, is a safe space for communication and transformation. It’s easy to relax and integrate all that Pam teaches you in this atmosphere.

You will discover, achieve and feel accomplished with new ways of embracing life fully with NLP™.  Your own energy is nurtured and refreshed.  Developed and strengthened. You’ll feel efflorescent wherever you venture after your time here.  Clarity Institute ignites the light within you.

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In tandem with her care in creating the best environment for learning and well being, is Pam’s care in delivering the highest quality NLP™ training and private changeworks by any measure.

Precision, accuracy, and depth of knowledge are hallmarks of what you experience here Clarity Institute. Pam is well-known for her wit and fun. She has a gift for finding that unexpected turn of phrase that will lighten your spirit, even in the most profound moment of awareness.


NLP™ is experiential, and Pam makes certain to keep her clients and students laughing and learning with ease. You develop the power to make NLP™ a natural part of your self expression, with the freedom to communicate exquisitely: at home, at work and play, and in your relationships.

Pam naturally lives what NLP™ Co-Founder Richard Bandler says, ” Freedom is Everything. And Love is All the rest.”

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You can Learn about the NLP™ training programs, and other private services available at Clarity Institute,  make an private appointment, or call / write now.



or call our office at 818-654-9660.