Live on Los Angeles Television – Celebrity Snake Phobia Cure
Celebrity Snake Phobia Cure – Live on T.V. Los Angeles Television personality Michael Strahan – Co host of Live with Kelly and Michael, morning talk show was terrified of snakes. If seeing is believing, then have a look at the this: Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and my teacher is live here showing this celebrity how to use his brain differently to get a new response to snakes. NLP is about teaching...
Read MoreWhy complaining is literally killing you.
More NLP in the news. It always amazes me how science is catching up with what NLP Cofounder Richard Bandler realized 4 decades ago. Not having the advantage of MRI and other more recent measuring machines it was direct observation at a deeper levels or calibration skills from altered states of consciousness that verified what this article talks about as new revelations. 1. “Synapses that fire together wire together.” This was the first phrase my AI professor told the classroom,...
Read MoreTrain Your Brain to Ignore Negative Emotions
Ben Gurion University researchers say simple exercises can create new neural connections, helping the brain ignore irrelevant information YES, that’s what Co-creator and father of NLP™ Richard Bandler has been doing and teaching others to do for 4 decades now and as his licensed Trainer here in Los Angeles, I’ve been teaching people to do the same for nearly 2 decades. Hear’s the...
Read MoreNLP in the NHS
NLP in the NHS By Kay Cooke The following article is based on an interview of Dr Louise Golightly, a consultant Psychiatrist working in the UK for the NHS, where she currently works on an Acute Admissions Ward. Louise is a SNLP Master Practitioner and Medical Trainer of NLP. This was first published in June 2015 by The Best You magazine: Whilst all copyrights belong to Kay Cooke, permission to share this material for educational purposes...
Read MoreNLP Experts Speak Out from Psychology Today
NLP Experts Speak Out In this article you’ll read experts views on NLP and PTSD, and more. It’s exciting to find the field of NLP being talked about in the news. Neuro Linguistic Programming experts present their techniques Published on January 8, 2014 by Guy Winch, Ph.D. in The Squeaky Wheel READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: “A few months ago I wrote an article based on a recent...
Read MoreSteve Jobs and his elegant use of NLP™ Communication
“Steve Jobs had advanced ideas for which there was no point of reference, so he had to create a reference his listeners could relate to. Metaphorical thinking is how Jobs made sense of the world and how he ultimately created intoxicating brand messages.” ~Carmine Gallo in Forbes Magazine Read how one of the NLP™ powerful communication tools transformed the way Steve Jobs learned to be a more effective communicator. Full article here Metaphor is just 1 of the amazing NLP™ tools...
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