This is the full article which is excerpted briefly, elsewhere on our website:

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I answered the phone that morning as usual; “Clarity Institute, this is Pam.  The high pitched female voice on the other end rushed through her formalities with lightening speed and garbled articulation “this is Asfansiasishisahheia Berhansiaisibdkditai  (It could have been Anita Bertan or about a thousand other possibilities. I could not understand her).  Exasperated and breathy she continued at the same fast pace;  “I got your name from Richard Bandler’s website, I’m an NLP trainer and yeah, so, what is the most powerful NLP tool to use?”

Silence reigned as my eyes darted from left to right back and forth once or twice, my head tilted to the side as I wondered if I heard correctly – or – had I slipped into some alternate reality.  You know,  that place where time and space seem to separate and nothing and everything exist simultaneously confusing.

And then with the callers  same lightening speed, I quipped back with one word.  “Yes.”

A simple, well crafted statement to match the caller and the silliest question I think I’ve ever been asked.

Her voice now had a slower pace, a deeper tone, a skipping, hesitating articulation and just as I planned, I calibrated a confusion as she spoke next: “uh-  wha, what do you mean?”

And that’s when the call turned from comical to critical.  I asked her what was important to her about knowing  *the most powerful NLP tool* .  She told me it was “because I have a client coming here in less than an hour and I want to use THE most powerful tool of NLP to get the change.”

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Let’s be clear.  NLP has never been about the tools. I’ve heard Richard [Bandler] say many times, It’s not about the tools. Yes, the tools and techniques of  NLP are powerful, everyone of them is richly powerful.  What makes them powerful, is the ability to connect. To connect to the unconscious process that is happening inside someone else’s neurology.

To connect at such rapid speeds that you can be a step ahead or more of someone else’s thinking and your own thinking so that you can make the decision while having extrasensory timing, a timing that others have not yet discovered.  That is where one knows how and where to go next in making the desired changes. That’s the edge a well trained and confident NLP’er has.

That’s the power of NLP.  It’s in the ability to connect to one’s unconscious mind and that of another’s to understand the neurology of what’s taking place to create and reveal which NLP tool to use and knowing why.  This happens so fast that if feels as natural as it does to say your own name. It happens organically, and withOut planning.  It happens with talent, with experience and with a solid foundation of NLP.  And it happens from having that “Go First” experience of consistently walking the walk and talking the talk  of using NLP –  every day in every way, to become the best you, you can be, long before you start a training career.

There is something metaphysically beautiful about watching a well trained and confident NLP’er with a solid foundation of skills  -skills that have been installed.  NOT taught like school, but someone who actually learned NLP by experiencing NLP with the NLP learning process as Dr. Richard Bandler developed. It’s experiential and in my opinion, does not come from books or home study programs. When you really learn something it becomes part of every fibre of your being and it’s ageless, timeless and generative.

The call referenced here is an actual call I got this month. I get these types and similar phone calls throughout the year. Year after year. I occasionally get students that enroll in my courses who are REtraining because their foundation is academic and not kinesthetic and they can nOt DO NLP.  Now whether it’s true or not,  there is something of a magical energy a lot of people sense with respect to the creative genius and co-founder of NLP,  Richard Bandler. I think there’s no coincidence that so many of these “help my NLP” calls  start with “I got your name from The Society of NLP”.

NLP takes practice and the more you use it the better you get. It’s nOt about learning a bunch of things about NLP to teach the bones to others,  it’s nOt about the jargon, the tools or the techniques.  It’s about the ability to DO NLP and consistently get the results that makes the difference with confidence.

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About the Author: Pam Castillo is a Licensed NLP Trainer by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming – Richard Bandler.  Pam founded Clarity Institute,  where since 1999,  she maintains a private practice for NLP Changework on personal development issues, health and healing and loving relationships.

In the U.S. Phone:  (818) 654-9660

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