Some, inspire others by representing their message with such gusto and enthusiasm that it’s contagious.  It flows to those around them and to those whom they come in contact with. This is inspiration by association.  It’s not the real thing.  It’s fine while it’s there, but it seldom survives a crisis or the test of time.

Imagine a desert with no water.  There are two ways to get water into the desert.  One is to find a body of water elsewhere and dig trenches to carry that water to the desert.  You can channel the water in, but over time, the channels are vulnerable and usually close off.  If the water has to be brought from where the water is to where it is not, it’s a fragile arrangement and easily disrupted. Another way to get water in the desert is to dig.  And dig deep enough and dig far enough until you find water that is native to that place itself.  When you discover what is natural, or the resources within, there is no reason that it should ever be disrupted.

When you help others dig deep enough, far enough within themselves to find their reservoir of inspiration,  it lasts.  It stands the test of time.  It’s a wider, deeper truth and it is generative.

©2012 Pam Castillo

About the Author: Pam Castillo is a Licensed NLP Trainer by the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming – Richard Bandler.  Pam founded Clarity Institute,  where since 1999,  she maintains a private practice for NLP Changework on personal development issues, health and healing and loving relationships.

Clarity Institute offers NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certification courses and NLP workshops on a variety of topics in the Los Angeles area.

In the U.S. Phone:  (818) 654-9660

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